This website will report about Christianity and Christians in Kurdistan but also about Christ and the Lord in general. Amîn

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Kongra-Gel congratulate the Christians during Christmas

Tomorrow is the birthday of Jesus and a day that is celebrated solemnly during Christmas. Kurdistan is one of the countries in which the feast was celebrated in the first and it is a feast during which more than 1000 years, celebrated by our Christian brothers and sisters who live among us. Kurdistan is an area where people of different religions have peacefully lived side by side, but throughout history have external forces laid the foundations of several tragedies.

Festivals are days that symbolize joy, peace and quiet, and Christmas is a day that should be celebrated with the same spirit. We as Kongra-Gel congratulate mainly Christians in Kurdistan, but also the Kurdish people and Christians in general over Christmas. We as Kongra-Gel hope it will be a period of quiet and peace.

Merry Christmas wishes

Kongra-Gels presidency

Pictures from Christmas in Kurdistan

KRG wishes Christians a Merry Christmas

KRG wishes Christians a Merry Christmas

» Picnic in snowy mountains of Kurdistan Region. A&S Clarry

The Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) Council of Ministers wishes a very Merry Christmas to the Christian community in the Kurdistan Region and the rest of Iraq.

The KRG would also like to extend special Christmas wishes and greetings to all those who escaped from terror and found a safe and peaceful haven in the Kurdistan Region and who are now enjoying a life of peaceful co-existence and rule of law here in the Region.

This Christmas and for the forthcoming New Year, the KRG wishes the best to the people of the Kurdistan Region and hopes that the year 2009 will further enhance democracy, justice and rule of law in the Region and all of Iraq and, brings further prosperity and progress.

We in the KRG look forward with optimism to the New Year and hopes that we will be able to accomplish our goals of providing more services to the people of the Region and ensuring that needs are met in all areas of life, especially public services and the health and education sectors.

The KRG will continue its policies of encouraging further collaboration between the public and private sectors, paying attention to improving the living standards of all its citizens, rehabilitating the countryside, creating equal job opportunities and protecting the environment of the Kurdistan Region. The KRG also aims to create a self-sufficient society that ensures sustainable food security.

There are still many challenges ahead of us. However, the KRG is adamantly committed to the Constitution of Federal Iraq; as a guiding principle and the road map to the political process, for the enhancement of national reconciliation and as a basis for dialogues among all the parties.

We in the KRG will continue in our efforts to support and build a democratic, federal and pluralistic Iraq, where all Iraqi citizens enjoy prosperity, stability and peaceful coexistence in the Kurdistan Region and all of Iraq. We hope that the New Year will bring happiness and further stability to Iraq and all its citizens.

Once again we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Kurdish verision of Suryoyo song Bagiye

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Xaça Îsa ya dîrokî li Amedê derket!?

Xaça Îsa ya dîrokî li Amedê derket!?
2008 12 18 - 22:34

Xaça ku Îsa pexember pêve hatibu dalaqandin li bakurê Kurdistan li Amedê derket holê. Pexemberê pirtûka muqaddes Încîl/mizgînî Îsa pexember piştî ku ji alîyê împratorîya Bîzansê li Qudsê hatibu dalaqandin jiyana xwe jidest dabu.


Piştî vê buyerê şahbanûya Bîzans, Elena ola xiristiyanîyê dihildibijêrê û tevlî bahwarmendê Îsa pexember dibê.

Ligor agahdarîyên ku ji alîyê berpirsê waqfa Dêra Suryanîyan ya li Amedê Can Şakare rev xaç duwayî ji alîyê Elena tê bidetsxistin û tînê Stenbolê. Piştî mirina şahbanûya Bîzans parçeyek/alîyek vê xeçê ji alîyê bahwarmendêk suryanî tê herêma bakurê Kurdistan ê Amedê.

Ev xaça dîrokî niha li Dêra Suryanîya ya bi navê Meryem Ana ye û dibin parastina polîsê tirk de ye.

Tê gotin ku ev jeyanî niha jibo ku newê dizîn an ji êrîş lê newê kirin nehatîya diyarkirin û tenê di rojên olî yên girîng de jibo mêhvanê dêr tê nîşandan.


Serok Barzanî cejna mesîhîyan pîroz kir

Serok Barzanî cejna mesîhîyan pîroz kir

Aktuelbûn:23:02 - 24/12/2008

“Em, xwîşk û birayên mesîhî wek beşeke girîng ya herêma Kurdistanê dihesibînin û di bin siya azadî û hikumraniya xwe de ji bo avedankirinê, beşdariyê bi wan dikin.”

Bi minasebeta cejna mesîhîyan, Serokê Kurdistanê Mesûd Barzanî peyameke pîrozbahiyê pêşkêşî mesîhîyan kir.

Peyama Serok Barzanî wihaye:

Bi navê xwedêyê mezin û dilovan

Bi mûnasebeta hatina cejna ji dayikbûna hezretê Îsa Mesîh, civantirîn pîrozbahiyê pêşkêşî hemû xwîşk û birayên xweştevî yên mesîhî yên Kurdistan, Iraq û cîhanê dikim û hêviya cejneke tije xweşî ji wan re dixwazim.

Bi vê mûnasebetê, ez tekîdiyê li ser bihevrejiyana biratî û lêborîna olî li Iraqa federal dikim û daxwaz jî dikim, êrîşên ku li çend deverên Iraqê li hemberî xwîşk û birayên me yên mesîhî tên pêkanî, bên rawestandin û bila çav li ezmûna serkeftî ya Herêma Kurdistanê bikin, wekû çava îro wan xwîşk û birayan wek beşeke girîng ya herêmê dihesibîne û di bin siha azadî û hikûmraniya xwe de ji bo avedankirinê, beşdariyê bi wan dike.

Ez dubare jî dikim ku mafên wan xwîşk û birayan her tim bên parastin û deriyê Kurdistanê jî li ser her kesî vekirî ye.

Tevî zêdetirîn xweşewîstiyên min.

Serokê Herêma Kurdistanê

Mesûd Barzanî

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Sazan : Christmas in Kurdistan


The holiday and festive season has come in Kurdistan!!

It was Eid and we had a break for 8 days, soon we begin the christmas and new year break for another three weeks. After that comes Newroz break, then the other historical Kurdish occasions, following that is Easter and the list goes on...

The 'Jazhn' or 'Eid' season is big here. There are many celebrations and the tradition is deeply rooted. One that I have realized I can not agree with is the killing of animals such as sheep to give to poor and so on... but it appears to be a well known custom. Of course there is the family gathering and the early morning cooking.

The spirit of the festive season is everywhere; the Christmas tree has gone up in our university cafeteria and the area around the citadel has already been decorated with some lights at dark..

Ainkawa- where it is dominated by the Christian community is absolutely beautiful during this time of year as people prepare for their religious celebrations. The atmosphere and is vibrant and lively... (I just wish it would rain more and maybe even some snow...)

To conclude, it makes me so cheerful and happy that people in the region take the time to celebrate this time of year. Whether it is shopping, going for holiday, cooking or just spending time with family and relatives… I wish no matter what people do they make the best of it, and we must never take this opportunity for granted- I doubt people in other parts of Iraq can celebrate like this.

Merry Christmas

Noela we pîroz be & Seva piroz sahibe u sersala te piroz be

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Assyrian conference in Suleymania

On December 16 on Sunday in Suleymani they opened 5 conference on the Assyrian literature for the purpose of assistance to Assyrian culture.

In the three-day conference, which passes under the aegis of the President of Iraq Talabani, it participated 32 specialists in the Assyrian culture, and also Kurdish intellectuals and officials. About this it stated to agency “the voice of Iraq” Nizar of khan al -Dayrani, the chairman of the union of Assyrian writers. The purpose of the conference is also the propaganda of Assyrian literature in Suleymani.